Thoughts on Governance. AG 0.403%.

BurgerSwap Unofficial (BSU)


Power to those that choose to understand it.

Within Burgerswap, it’s the unique addition on Governance Mechanism & Functionality that has most intrigued us.

It ushers in an era offering a completely new kind of cryptocurrency ownership and control. Power and value coupled with actual purpose and real ongoing revenues

A thought has occurred… there is a weight of Governance within the system, but how does one assess that weight? Can it be scored?

One idea would be a measure such as this:

Absolute Governance = What percentage of the 21,000,000 Maximum Possible Burgers do you currently have locked within the Governance contract? This number represents the minimum amount of control you could ever theoretically ever have within the network, even were you to do nothing but stake the Burger and then never withdraw it and never vote. It also represents the minimum percentage of the Governance fees that you could ever earn at any point in the future (provided you participated in a vote at that time), but then withdrew your Governance proposal pool share you were rewarded as income. The Absolute Governance percentage would require all 21m Burger to be staked in the Governance contact, which will never happen, but it’s comforting to know the bottom line ;)

From now on we’re going to refer to Absolute Governance as AG.

(Your Current Governance Stake)/21,000,000 = Your AG score.

In our opinion , as a long term investment, those with the patience for the job will be able to create long term financial positions of considerable power for very little initial outlay.

From a strategic point of view, the best way to increase one’s AG is to vote for every motion, then bootstrap those rewards, once you have your percentage start, grow it from there.

Liquidity pools will only ever dilute your investment on this project. Governance is power, in the long term here.

…more to follow…



BurgerSwap Unofficial (BSU)

An experiment in the Power of Governance within the BurgerSwap Protocol.